A consultation through a journey tailored to the individual person's needs. It’s made up of two parts:


We design the numerology chart through the study of the numbers associated to the date and time of birth and full name, which are specific and unique to each individual.

In each chart we combine Pythagoric Esoteric Numerology, Taoistic Numerology and the Kabbalah Angels. By intertwining these techniques, we can have at the same time a wide spectrum of the person’s energy and a deep understanding of the dynamics.


The consultation is a path made of one or more sessions with Chiara that explains what’s behind your numbers.

All the sessions last 50 minutes. The number of the consultations is very personal and specific and it is usually discussed at the end of the first session. 

The sessions are one-to-one and can be referred to as SINGLE, COUPLE or GROUP charts. The consultation can be booked at

  • The Single chart refers to the study of an individual.

  • The Couple chart refers to the study of the interaction and the dynamics between two people. We study the strengths and the weaknesses of the union (being it romantic, professional, familiar etc) which allow to understand how to approach the relationship in the best way possible.

  • The Group chart refers to the interaction and the dynamics among a specific group of people (family, co-workers- friends etc). Depending on the amount of people, we can decide how to structure the consultation.

All the consultations are done virtually via Zoom.

We offer multi-language consultations: English, Spanish, French and Italian.

merkaba sacred geometry numerology light body energy vibration alignment creative intelligence  elements vescica piscis personal year cycle collective year metatron's cube life balance