The Cycles

Numerology works in cycles, each one lasting 9 years, where the year 1 usually represents the seed and the drive to a new idea, a change, an input that will unfold completely over the full cycle. 

Over the 9 years period however, we will face several changes and evolutions, that’s why it is important to know which period we are currently living, not only to give us clarity on what is going on, but also to help us moving towards a specific energy and not against it which allows more ease and understanding within the circumstances we are experiencing. 

Each cycle repeats itself and in a lifetime we will experience several years 1, 2, 3 and so on, however, even though apparently cyclical, evolution has a spiral motion that moves upwards and always takes us one level up from the previous cycle. In other words, we will always experience a higher level of vibration, some things might remind us of past events  we had but we will be able to experience them from a new and elevated perspective.


Personal Year vs Collective Year