Personal Year vs Collective Year

Numerology works in cycles of 9 years and it is important to discern the difference between the collective year vs the personal year. 

The collective year is the current year we are all living; let’s take 2023 as example - if we sum up 2+0+2+3 = 7 we can all agree that on a basic level, the sum of the year is 7, however we will consider also the number 23/5 as well as the sum 20+2+3= 25/7, this can give us a wider perspective on the shades of the energy we are currently living as a collective. 

The personal year is specific to the individual and it starts from the last birthday to the following one. If, for instance, your last birthday was on December 2nd 2022 - we sum the day + month + sum of current year which in this case will be - 2+12+2022 (6)= 20/2. Your personal 2022 has started in December 2022 and it will end in December 2023. 

This means that the energy and the vibration of 2023 will still affect you from a collective point of view, but that on a personal level the energies you experience, will be specific to your personal year. 


Numerology Methods


The Cycles