How Does Numerology Work

The numbers and the letters of our name and surname (each letter is linked to a specific number) represent a series of symbols - from the Greek word symbolon ‘to unite or put together’ - numbers act as a mediator that allow us to reconnect matter and energy by giving a practical meaning to something apparently abstract, by reading energy behind the material. 

In other words, Numbers are a universal code of symbols that aim to reconnect and remember our soul’s memory - often forgotten and disregarded in favor of a perception of the world only based on rational thinking and the five senses. 

These symbols and archetypes are related to the deeper part of us, our source, the energy hidden behind matter, which already possesses its own wisdom, its own knowledge and simply needs to be seen, felt and most importantly trusted. 

The whole purpose of numerology is to remind us who we really are and to shift the focus from the outside in to the inside out. The more we get in touch with our soul and with our intuition, the more it will manifest. If we allow this process to happen, we will start to ‘see’ beyond the mere material world and start to catch the real essence and meaning of our lives. What is our mission? What is our purpose? How can we make an impact and how can we manifest it? When the veil finally falls, clarity and truths get revealed and from that point we can really start to co-create with the Higher Intelligence of Life.


Numerology Methods