Numerology Methods

Taoistic numerology

It takes its inspiration from the eastern philosophy of the Five Elements, which is a philosophic representation of the cycle of life, where each element - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water - creates the following one in a precise cycle and is connected with colours, seasons, shapes, materials, organs of the body, emotions and ultimately numbers. Through the Bagua or Magical Square, (a matrix used for numerology), it is possible to understand and read several aspects of the person. 

Pythagorean Esoteric Numerology

Pythagoras is the father of esoteric numerology, in the west and indeed one of the most famous mathematicians of all time. He understood that behind all that exists, lies an intelligence that can be described through the vibration/consciousness expressed in a number, offering us the possibility of understanding the spiritual meaning behind all things. 

After his travels, he founded his school in Italy, where mathematics, music, astronomy and esoteric or secret doctrine were taught. In order to be part of it, pupils were obliged to a period of probation and trial which included 5 years of apprenticeship and 2 years of silence which helped to clean all the unhealthy mental patterns and take the individual back to an optimal condition allowing him to contemplate life with the wonder of a child. 

Why esoteric? Esoteric means secret and by saying that we mean that through this instrument, we can see the apparently hidden movement of energy that is occurring in a person’s life, so instead of just trying to change or to see from a superficial point of view, we can see the situation ‘behind the scenes’ and act in a more effective way by getting to the source of the circumstance.

Kabbalah Angels

The origin of Tree of Life of the Kabbalah is shrouded in mystery, there are several theories related to its beginning, however, it is considered a sacred map of consciousness both on a microcosmic and a macrocosmic level, whose aim is to support the human being to reconnect with his divine source. In the Hebrew tradition, the word Kabbalah derives from ‘kabel’ which means ‘to receive’ and, according to the ancient teachings, the wisdom of the Kabbalah reveals how life operates by unveiling the deepest essence of existence.

There are 72 angelic energies who live in the Tree of Life, each one’s name, is made up by a triplet of  the 22 Hebrew letters  - Each of the 22 Hebrew letters have a specific number, meaning and a direct correspondence with each amino acid of the human DNA.

Each Angel guards a specific day as well as a specific time frame within that day and their frequencies are combined with ours; each triplet contains the potential of what we came to manifest, to what we have to transcend and what we have to transform mentally in order to be aligned with our true nature. 


How Does Numerology Work


Personal Year vs Collective Year